Japanese Burials at Ross Bay Cemetery: Brief Outline

At the southern end of the city of Victoria, BC, Canada, facing Ross Bay, is Ross Bay Cemetery where 153 early Japanese immigrants, including 56 children, rest. The grave markers, which were severely damaged by the war and disasters, were reconstructed and reorganized in the 1990s by the “Pacific-Ocean Kake-Hashi group” of Japanese and Japanese-Canadian volunteers (“Kake-Hashi” means “bridge”), and a memorial monument was built there. This website holds a catalogue of buried Japanese immigrants, including their names, ages at death, dates of death (burial), as well as the photos of their grave markers. In the latter half of 1880s, the migration of Japanese people to Canada increased notably and, since in those days, there was no well-equipped port in Vancouver, the immigrants from Japan landed at Victoria. Japanese immigrants were employed mainly in the fishery, in the forestry/lumber industry or as coal mine labourers. Due to the low-wages and harsh work conditions as well as the poor quality of available nutrition and medical services, a lot of early Japanese-Canadians died young. The mortality rate of infants and young children in the Japanese community was also quite high. When they died, members of Victoria’s early Japanese community were buried, like many other pioneers, in Ross Bay Cemetery. Because of the strongly held prejudicial racial attitudes of those days, white Caucasians were buried in the central area of the graveyard, but Japanese and Chinese people were only allowed to be buried in the southernmost part of the cemetery close to the shore of Ross Bay.

Japanese Burials at Ross Bay Cemetery: Grave List and Photos

Japanese Burials at Ross Bay Cemetery Grave List and Photos Based on the field research, we confirmed the places of all the graves of those Japanese people buried in Ross Bay Cemetery, ascertained so far.  The grave list as well as the photos of all the existing gravestones have been uploaded in this website. If you or your friends have an ancestor or a relative who immigrated to Canada from the 1880s to the 1920s (during the Meiji and Taisho eras in Japan), please take the opportunity to review the name list carefully. If you find a name which may be your or your friend’s ancestor or relative, please look


カナダBC州ビクトリア市の南端,Ross Bayに面する一角に子ども56名を含む初期日本人移民153名が眠るRoss Bay霊園があります。戦争や災害で多くの墓標が逸散しましたが,1990年代に日本人・日系人有志による「太平洋懸け橋グループ」の手で再建整備され,合同慰霊碑が建立されました。本サイトには名前,享年,逝去日(埋葬日)などを含む埋葬者名簿と,墓標の写真を収録しています。カナダへの日本人の移住が本格化したのは1880年代の後半です。当時,バンクーバーはまだ港が整備されておらず,日本からの移住者はビクトリアに上陸しました。日本人移民は主に漁業,林業・製材業,炭坑労働などに従事しましたが,低賃金の過酷な労働,貧困,医療水準の低さなどから若くして亡くなる方も多く,また乳幼児の死亡率も高かったようです。死亡した日本人はビクトリアにあるロスベイ墓地(Ross Bay Cemetery)に埋葬されました。当時は人種的偏見が強く,白人は墓地の中央部に埋葬されましたが,日本人や中国人は海岸に近い南端部に埋葬されました。



ロスベイ霊園の日本人墓地:歴史の縮図 Part I

カナダBC州ビクトリア市にRoss Bay Cemetery(ロスベイ霊園)という公園墓地があります。この霊園には,太平洋戦争前にビクトリアに移住し不幸にも亡くなられた日本人移民や幼くして亡くなった子どもたちの150余柱の墓があります。しかし,大変残念なことに,戦争の勃発により日系人は敵性国人とみなされたため,1942年(真珠湾攻撃の翌年)に,太平洋沿岸に住む日系人は内陸部に強制移住させられました。その結果,日系人埋葬者の家族はすべてビクトリアから追放され,墓を守る縁故者がまったくいなくなりました。このロスベイ霊園の日本人墓地の有りようをつぶさにみると,そこにはカナダ日系人移民の歴史が鮮やかに描かれており,この日本人墓地がまさに歴史の縮図そのものということがわかります。そこで,この日本人墓地の特徴をみながら,カナダ日系移民の歴史を振り返りたいと思います。

ロスベイ霊園の日本人墓地:歴史の縮図 Part II


ロスベイ霊園の日本人墓地:歴史の縮図 Part III


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